/*Array ( [obrigatorio] => Campos Obligatorios [enviando] => enviando... [email_invalido] => e-mail inválido [erro_carregamento] => Ocorreu um erro no carregamento... [busca_url] => busqueda [preencha] => Please complete all fields! [aguarde] => Aguarde... [erro_imagem] => Error loading image [preencha_email] => The e-mail address is required [padroes_conceitos] => Patrones y Conceptos [mes] => [obrigatorios] => Please fill all required field [erro_nome_email] => Not filled in name and email. [cadastro_sucesso] => Register accomplished successfully! Thanks [erro] => Error: [ambiente_indicado] => Environment indicated [erro_envio] => Error sending message [erro_envio_email] => There was an error sending the email. [email_cadastrado] => Email already registered [email_erro] => Email not set [email_cadastrado_sucesso] => Email registered successfully [mensagem_trabalhe] => Dear Applicant:
We confirm the sending of your message and appreciate your interest in joining our team.
FYI: Team Dell Anno [mensagem_enviada] => Dear Customer:
confirm sending your message.
In brief, we will return with more information.
Thank you for your contact.
Team Dell Anno ) */ var _obrigatorio = 'Campos Obligatorios'; var _enviando = 'enviando...'; var _email_invalido = 'e-mail inválido'; var _erro_carregamento = 'Ocorreu um erro no carregamento...'; var _busca_url = 'busqueda'; var _preencha = 'Please complete all fields!'; var _aguarde = 'Aguarde...'; var _erro_imagem = 'Error loading image'; var _preencha_email = 'The e-mail address is required'; var _padroes_conceitos = 'Patrones y Conceptos'; var _mes = ''; var _obrigatorios = 'Please fill all required field'; var _erro_nome_email = 'Not filled in name and email.'; var _cadastro_sucesso = 'Register accomplished successfully! Thanks'; var _erro = 'Error: '; var _ambiente_indicado = 'Environment indicated'; var _erro_envio = 'Error sending message'; var _erro_envio_email = 'There was an error sending the email.'; var _email_cadastrado = 'Email already registered'; var _email_erro = 'Email not set'; var _email_cadastrado_sucesso = 'Email registered successfully'; var _mensagem_trabalhe = 'Dear Applicant:
We confirm the sending of your message and appreciate your interest in joining our team.
FYI: Team Dell Anno'; var _mensagem_enviada = 'Dear Customer:
confirm sending your message.
In brief, we will return with more information.
Thank you for your contact.
Team Dell Anno';